July 18, 1998

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The first Applied Technology Council Awards Dinner, held on July 18th, 1998 at the San Francisco Marriott was conceived to honor certain ATC project participants for extraordinary service on completed ATC projects. For the first Awards Ceremony, two award categories were defined. The "ATC Award for Excellence"--ATC's premier award--recognizes individuals for extraordinary achievement in a given technical area or other ATC activity. The second Award category recognizes "Significant Contributions" on a major ATC project. In selecting award winners, the ATC Awards Committee considered participants in all completed ATC projects since its inception in the early 1970's. Staff and Directors involved in the selection process were not eligible to receive an award.

ATC envisions conducting a second awards dinner in the next 3 to 5 years. The first dinner (black tie preferred) was attended by approximately 130 members of the engineering and scientific community (and their guests).

Awards Presented:

  1. Extraordinary Achievement in Earthquake Damage and Loss Estimation
  2. Extraordinary Achievement in Transferring Earth Science Research Information to Design Practitioners
  3. Extraordinary Achievement in Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges
  4. Extraordinary Achievement in Seismic Evaluation of Buildings
  5. Extraordinary Achievement in Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings
  6. Significant Contributions in Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings
  7. Extraordinary Achievement in Postearthquake Safety Evaluation of Buildings
  8. Extraordinary Achievement in Seismic Design of New Buildings
  9. Extraordinary Services as Project Engineering Panel Member
  10. Extraordinary Achievement in Technical Report Development
  11. Technical Management of an Award Winning Project
  12. Extraordinary Contributions as Project Officer
  13. Extraordinary Lifetime Contributions to ATC Projects and Board of Directors


For further information, contact the Applied Technology Council, 555 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite 550, Redwood City, California 94065 (Telephone: 650/595-1542; Fax: 650/593-2320; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
