

ATC/USGS Seismic Hazard User-Needs Workshop

On September 21-22, 2015, in Menlo Park, California, the Applied Technology Council (ATC) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) convened the ATC/USGS Seismic Hazard User-Needs Workshop. Like the ATC-35/USGS National Earthquake Ground Motion Mapping Workshops, which were held in 1995, 2001, and 2006, this User-Needs Workshop provided an opportunity for individuals and groups that use the National Seismic Hazard Maps to provide feedback on existing and planned hazard information and products from the USGS National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project.

Agenda.  The Workshop Agenda is available here.


Workshop Program.‎ The ATC/USGS Seismic Hazard User-Needs Workshop was organized to (1) elicit feedback from users of seismic hazard information and products, (2) provide a forum for the wider earthquake engineering community to discuss the transfer of seismic hazard results into engineering practice, seismic risk analysis, and public policy, and (3) make practical recommendations to the USGS National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project.

The User-Needs Workshop included presentations from invited speakers and workshop attendees:
▪ Representatives of the National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project described the changes in the 2014 update of the National Seismic Hazard Maps, including changes to the hazard model input, the calculation of hazard, and the resulting differences in hazard values. The representatives also provided an overview of seismic hazard information and products currently available at the Project website.
▪ Representatives of user groups described how they use hazard information from the National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project. Users also provided feedback on the hazard products that they currently use and ideas about development of additional products or the consolidation of existing products.

Location. William Rambo Auditorium, U.S. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, California.  

Steering Committee.

Anna H. Olsen, (co-chair), Applied Technology Council, Redwood City, California
Nicolas Luco (co-chair), U.S. Geological Survey, Golden, Colorado
Norman Abrahamson, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, San Francisco, California
C.B. Crouse, AECOM, Seattle, Washington
Rod Diridon, Sr., Mineta Transportation Institute, San Jose, California
Arthur D. Frankel, U.S. Geological Survey, Seattle, Washington
Keith Knudsen, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
Janiele Maffei, California Earthquake Authority, Sacramento, California
Robert B. Paullus, Jr. (ATC Board Contact), Applied Technology Council, Olive Branch, Mississippi
Sue Perry, U.S. Geological Survey, Pasadena, California
Mark D. Petersen (ex officio), U.S. Geological Survey, Golden, Colorado
Chris D. Poland, Consulting Engineer, Canyon Lake, California
Sanaz Rezaeian, U.S. Geological Survey, Golden, Colorado
Christopher Rojahn (ex officio), Applied Technology Council, Redwood City, California
Tom Shantz, California Department of Transportation, Sacramento, California
Nilesh Shome, Risk Management Solutions, Newark, California

Sponsoring Organizations.

Applied Technology Council
Redwood City, California

U.S. Geological Survey
Reston, Virginia

Co-Sponsoring Organizations.

Alfred E. Alquist Seismic Safety Commission
Consortium of Organizations for Strong-Motion Observation Systems
Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety
International Code Council
MAE Center
Mineta Transportation Institute
National Council of Structural Engineers Associations
Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado at Boulder
National Institute of Building Sciences Building Seismic Safety Council
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Southern California Earthquake Center
Seismological Society of America
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Seismic Committee
Western States Seismic Policy Council
