Title: Environmental Benefits of Retrofitting.
Project Status: Completed
Client: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
One of the most significant impediments to seismic retrofit is cost, however, cost estimates rarely include the environmental benefit of retrofitting an existing building as opposed to demolishing the building, disposing of the demolished building materials, and replacing it with a new structure. This project seeks to complete development of the Seismic Performance Assessment Methodology and to create a tool that can be adapted to capture this benefit. The primary purpose of this task order is to identify what is needed to adapt the Seismic Performance Assessment Methodology to measure environmental consequences, such as carbon footprint, and to begin the process of developing the necessary information.
Task 1: Develop a Performance-Based Environmental Impact Methodology
Under this task the ATC-86 Project Management Committee, with the overview and guidance of the ATC-58 Project Management Committee, will develop a Performance-Based Environmental Impact Methodology for use with the Seismic Performance Assessment Methodology now under development on the ATC-58 Project. As currently envisioned, the Performance-Based Environmental Impact Methodology will quantify the environmental effects of earthquake-related damage and the potential benefits (in terms of reduced environmental effects) related to retrofitting an existing building or designing a new building for improved seismic performance. Possible metrics under consideration include greenhouse gas emissions, resource depletion, and embodied energy. The approach is expected to involve calculating environmental impacts in much the same way that repair costs are estimated for the various building elements and components in the ATC-58 Project, and is expected to contribute to, or interface with, the life cycle assessment process currently used in determining environmental impacts for new building projects.
For this information to be incorporated into the Seismic Performance Assessment Methodology, the environmental consequence functions would need to be developed and incorporated into the consequence function spread sheets and imported into the companion electronic Performance Assessment Calculation Tool (PACT). Based on the level of effort required to develop and program consequence functions on the ATC-58 Project, development of the associated environmental consequence functions for the vast array of components and systems now considered in the ATC-58 Project is beyond the level of effort that can be funded on this task order.
Work will consist of the development of an overall environmental loss assessment methodology, including selection of the most appropriate environmental loss measure, and direction on how environmental consequences should be estimated. As currently envisioned, the scope of this effort is limited to developing and completing the environmental impact methodology, and testing it on a limited number of components and/or system fragilities.
Task 2: Prepare Draft Report Describing Performance-Based Environmental Impact Methodology
Under this task the ATC-86 Project Management Committee will prepare a draft report describing the Performance-Based Environmental Impact Methodology. As a minimum, this report will identify the recommended environmental loss metrics, the relationship between this methodology and the life cycle assessment (LCA) process, how environmental consequences should be estimated, and how the recommended methodology can be implemented within the ATC-58 Seismic Performance Assessment Methodologyand the Performance Assessment Calculation Tool (PACT).
Task 3: Review of Draft Performance-Based Environmental Impact Methodology
This task involves review of the recommended Performance-Based Environmental Impact Methodology by selected experts and stakeholder groups. The list of reviewers will be determined with input from FEMA, and may include members of the ATC-58 Project Team, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) Sustainability Committee, and other environmental experts. As currently envisioned, outside reviewers will not be funded under the ATC-86 project, but will be invited to participate on a voluntary basis.
Task 4a: Complete the Performance-Based Environmental Impact Methodology
Based on review comments received, the ATC-86 Project Management Committee will update and refine the draft Performance-Based Environmental Impact Methodology.
Task 4b: PrepareFinal Report
Based on any changes to the methodology, the ATC-86 Project Management Committee will update and refine the draft report and prepare a final report outlining the recommended Performance-Based Environmental Impact Methodology and what is needed to implement it within the ATC-58 Seismic Performance Assessment Methodology.